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Sep 27 2018
TIDE’s lunchtime Seminar: ‘Margaret Cavendish as Traveller: gender, geography and The Blazing World’, 1st November 12:30, The Old Library, University of Liverpool, 19-23 Abercromby Square

TIDE is pleased to invite you to its first seminar of this academic year on Thursday, 1 November at 12:30 at The Old Library.
Join us to hear Marion Wynne-Davis (University of Surrey) on ‘Margaret Cavendish as Traveller: gender, geography and The Blazing World’ (see attached poster).
All are welcome. Tea and coffee will be served; guests are invited to bring sandwiches to this lunchtime seminar.
Thursday, 1 November (12:30), at The Old Library, School of Arts, University of Liverpool, 19-23 Abercromby Square.