We are delighted to announce TIDEfest, a free online literary festival across the weekend of 31 July & 1 August 2021. TIDEfest will bring together all five of the project’s visiting writers, as well as a number of scholars, teachers, and artists. The festival is free and open to all.

It’s a delight and honour to introduce this blog post by Sara Pelham on our work, and our recent theatre workshop at the University of Oxford. This workshop was part of our consultancy with ERC TIDE, which explored the links between Emma Frankland’s upcoming production of John Lyly’s Galatea and TIDE’s project research into travel […]
In my first semester as a new assistant professor at Butler University, I incorporated ERC-TIDE’s open-access Keywords of Identity, Race, and Human Mobility in Early Modern England (Amsterdam UP, 2021) in my undergraduate British Literature survey on worlding and worldmaking. In the text we read, my class traced how British writers of the premodern past […]

On the weekend of 31 July and 1 August 2021, following its ‘On Belonging’ conference, TIDE held a free online cultural festival. Through seven events, TIDEfest showcased the project’s five-year engagement with creative practitioners, bringing together all of TIDE’s visiting writers and a range of other authors, educators, and artists. TIDEfest began with ‘Teaching Migration, […]

Almost exactly three years after our first ‘On Belonging’ conference, the TIDE team organised a digital follow-up to expand on and reflect upon the conversations we have had so far. Though COVID-19 restrictions took us online, running a virtual event also offered a number of benefits. We were able to offer a longer, much more […]
Che portasti tu d’Italia? (What did you bring from Italy?) Io ne portai a fatica la vita (Barely I brought my life) Michelangelo Florio’s (1518-1566) biography as an Italian religious refugee in London transpires in this short dialogue in his manuscript grammar Regole de la Lingua Thoscana (Rules of the Tuscan language) dedicated to his […]

TIDE’s ERC-funded phase has now come to an end, but we are delighted to announce TIDE’s next phase — Travel, Transculturality, and Identity in the Early Modern World, based at the University of Oxford. As its title indicates, TIDE has a wider remit than ERC-TIDE, building on the latter’s understanding of the complex global networks […]

We are delighted to announce that the ERC-TIDE project’s second collaborative output, Lives in Transit in Early Modern England, is now available in print and online open access with Amsterdam University Press! This collection of 24 microhistories explores the lives of transcultural figures in the period, and the ways in which border-crossers of all kinds […]

Clear your schedule and join us on 11 March for the one-day hybrid conference, ‘Hormuz 1622: Connected Histories and Transcultural Receptions’! The 1622 capture of Hormuz by the joint forces of Safavid Persia and the British East India Company was a defining moment in the history of Iran’s relationships with Europe. Strategically situated at the […]

February 22 saw two closing events for the TIDE project. The first, ‘Lost Voices’, was a special literary event featuring TIDE’s current visiting writer, the award-winning author and academic Elif Shafak; Bodley’s Librarian and author of Burning the Books: A History of Knowledge Under Attacks, Richard Ovenden, and TIDE’s director, Nandini Das. This event saw […]

To mark the fifth anniversary of the ERC-TIDE project (Travel, Transculturality, and Identity in England, c.1550-1700), join the team for ‘Lost Voices’, a special literary event featuring the award-winning author and academic, Elif Shafak, Bodley Librarian, Richard Ovenden, and TIDE’s director, Nandini Das. The speakers will discuss Elif’s work and the possibility of recovering lost […]