The University of Oxford’s European Research Council funded TRACTION project is pleased to offer the TRACTION Teacher Fellowship scheme and invites applications from UK based teachers of English and History currently working in secondary schools.
This free online programme of training and professional development will provide successful applicants with research informed approaches to the teaching of race, belonging, migration and empire in secondary schools. The Fellowship will give selected research participants access to the TRACTION Teaching Toolkit, which is an online platform consisting of three specialist, interdisciplinary modules from the sixteenth century to the present day. The contextual content modules are underpinned and supported by a fourth module on educational theory and pedagogy. Teachers undertaking the Fellowship will participate in the programme through an online learning format providing teachers with the flexibility to complete the activities at their own pace and to suit individual schedules and commitments. The flexible online resources will encourage fellows to design new lessons to be disseminated to colleagues, networks, and regions via the online platform.
TRACTION aims to build a teaching and learning community that can support the continued professional development of teachers. Fellows will be key research participants in the TRACTION project and vital members of the TRACTION community drawing upon their learning to act as ambassadors in the development of the platform.
In addition to free access to the TRACTION platform and related training, TRACTION Fellows will be paid £150 for their participation in the programme. The Fellowship will take place from 1st March 2022 until 11th April 2022. Selected TRACTION Fellows will be expected to spend around 2.5 hours of reading and reflection per week during that period. As part of their contribution to the development of this pioneering online platform, they will be required to participate in regular feedback for the purposes of reporting, monitoring, and improving the site. Fellows are encouraged to share teaching resources developed from their work on TRACTION by 22nd July 2022. They will be willing to collaborate actively with other Fellows, stakeholders, Oxford academics and advisors.
For more information please visit the TRACTION website.
Application deadline 4th February 2022.
Please download the TRACTION Teacher Fellowship Application Form and send completed forms to traction@ell.ox.ac.uk
Finalisation of participants: 18th February 2022.
If you have any questions about the scheme in advance of applying, please contact TRACTION Research Associate, Wendy Lennon: wendy.lennon@ell.ox.ac.uk.